Sunday, May 20, 2007

In Yesterday's mail...

This is the result of the ugly FQ I sent away for a partner swap. My creative partner could make whatever she wanted from this yellow, 70's-ish FQ I sent her, and I got this lovely pincusion bonnet -- complete with bees. It was quite a surprise and, I think, a lovely result.

Also in yesterdays mail were two sets of blocks for a yellow and blue block swap that I am hosting -- the Chinese Coins and Pathways to the Stars.

Going out in tomorrow's mail are these Sunbonnet blocks. I'm in a "block, block swap" and my partner will take these 12 blocks and make a top for me with them. Previous rounds of this swap have been very successful and I can't wait to see how this one goes!


Helen said...

i kinda like the hat. i also like the idea of an ugly FQ swap. maybe it is because some FQ swaps i've been in, i often thought i ended up with really ugly fabric. this way, knowing disappointment is coming, one can be pleasantly surprised.

what a great idea!

Leigh said...

Welcome to blogland. It's a fun place.
The ugly swap sounds like fun too.