Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's like fabric, but cheaper!!

PAPER! Did you all know there was a world of gorgeous paper out there? I had no idea. This is going to cause a ruckas in my household - I'm gonna have to start a new hobbty.

I came across these lovelies this weekend. The designs are so cool. I even saw some Amy Butler embellishments.

My cardmaking skills are rather basic at the moment. I don't know that I'll ever get super fancy...I just like touching the pretty papers.

I also decided to take the Sunshine fabrics in a different direction. Here is the start of the new project, which is making me much happier. More to come.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Holy colorwash, Batman!

I finally decided to cut into my Sunshine fabrics. I know that when all your fabrics are from one line the result can be muted because the colors blend into one another. But, I wasn't prepared for this:

As yardage, the blues seemed to be distinct from each other, but when I cut them up into tiny pieces and sewed them back together they just got lost in each other.

So, I remade the block and I like this better.

On a side note, this is what happened when I first tried to take a photo of the blue block. Silly kitty.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Apple Picking!

This is exactly why I love living in the country. A gorgeous day, 66 degrees, lots of sun! We picked some yummy Cortlands and Jonathans. Now for some quilting.

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

50s dresses and stormy seas

I saw these dresses on Penny's blog ages ago and she sent me the patterns. They are going into a wall hanging for my mom for Christmas. I think I'm going to do a 50s theme for her presents this year. I've got a nice apron pattern and hope to find some retro fabric to make it from.

The other project I started this week is a little Storm at Sea wallhanging. I got these gorgeous fabrics from Dakota Cabin Quilts monthly treasure pack back in January. I am obessesed with Deadlist Catch on the Discovery Channel and decided to call this wintery work in progress "Bering Sea." It''s going to go slowly, I'm sure. I'm not really a paper-piecer and don't have much patience for it. But tackling these blocks by traditional peicing might be even more difficult.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007


I've had my first experience with quilt nazis.

I interviewed for a job at my (new) Local Quilt Shop, which involved showing the owner and an employee some of my quilts. After a few comments about how I'm not afraid of color, they started pointing out my mistakes (we had known each other for all of 20 minutes). Clearly they would have to work with me on my binding. My square quilt would look so much better as a rectangle (really all quilts should be rectangles). Did I notice there were no charm packs and jelly rolls in the shop? They were too gimmicky and for cheaters. No kits either.

In the end, I won't be working at the LQS. So I spent the day that was to be my first day at the shop, thinking about how sad I am for quilt nazis. In my world of quilting, there are no rules. Quilting is supposed to be fun! I am always in awe of award-winning quilts. They are gorgeous and I appreciate the time and skill used to make them. That might be fun for some quilters, but it's just not for me.

My quilts are just as valuable as any that conform to silly rules and I refuse to let anyone tell me they aren't! BACK OFF QUILT NAZIS! I quilt for love!!

I quilt for love...

All my quilts are imperfect.
I'll never enter a show.
I'll never win an award. And that is just fine by me.
I quilt for love - not perfection.

Some of my quilts are square (sorta).
Some are rectangular.
I've tried Bargello, Brights, Browns and Batiks.
I may never be an expert in any technique - but that's ok!
I quilt for love - to try new things and stretch my boundaries.

Quilting is a hobby - not a chore.

My points don't always match,
My quilting is sometimes uneven.
You might be shocked at what you see on my quilt backs!

But here is the most important point: I quilt for love, not perfection.

When a friend gets married, or a grandparent is sick
When Katrina hit, or an orphanage director says there is a need
Even if I can't be there - I send love.
When I'm piecing, quilting or attaching imperfect binding a little bit of my heart is added in every stitch.
As I'm working, I remember frisbee in the park
Ice cream on summer days
Being tucked into bed.
Even if I never meet a recipient of my efforts, I hope they know their quilt is made of more than fabric and thread.

I quilt with love and THAT is perfect with me.

Monday, September 3, 2007

4 Fat Quarters + 3 Day weekend = 1 kitty wallhanging

I took advantage of our long weekend to make a new wallhanging for our front door. The summer one will be unseasonal very soon. I'm not sure if this is a doll quilt or a wallhanging? The 9 patches are 3 inches unfinished. I bought the fabric as an adorable bundle at a quilt show last year, and I just love the backing.

Happy Labor Day, everyone!

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