Thursday, September 6, 2007


I've had my first experience with quilt nazis.

I interviewed for a job at my (new) Local Quilt Shop, which involved showing the owner and an employee some of my quilts. After a few comments about how I'm not afraid of color, they started pointing out my mistakes (we had known each other for all of 20 minutes). Clearly they would have to work with me on my binding. My square quilt would look so much better as a rectangle (really all quilts should be rectangles). Did I notice there were no charm packs and jelly rolls in the shop? They were too gimmicky and for cheaters. No kits either.

In the end, I won't be working at the LQS. So I spent the day that was to be my first day at the shop, thinking about how sad I am for quilt nazis. In my world of quilting, there are no rules. Quilting is supposed to be fun! I am always in awe of award-winning quilts. They are gorgeous and I appreciate the time and skill used to make them. That might be fun for some quilters, but it's just not for me.

My quilts are just as valuable as any that conform to silly rules and I refuse to let anyone tell me they aren't! BACK OFF QUILT NAZIS! I quilt for love!!

I quilt for love...

All my quilts are imperfect.
I'll never enter a show.
I'll never win an award. And that is just fine by me.
I quilt for love - not perfection.

Some of my quilts are square (sorta).
Some are rectangular.
I've tried Bargello, Brights, Browns and Batiks.
I may never be an expert in any technique - but that's ok!
I quilt for love - to try new things and stretch my boundaries.

Quilting is a hobby - not a chore.

My points don't always match,
My quilting is sometimes uneven.
You might be shocked at what you see on my quilt backs!

But here is the most important point: I quilt for love, not perfection.

When a friend gets married, or a grandparent is sick
When Katrina hit, or an orphanage director says there is a need
Even if I can't be there - I send love.
When I'm piecing, quilting or attaching imperfect binding a little bit of my heart is added in every stitch.
As I'm working, I remember frisbee in the park
Ice cream on summer days
Being tucked into bed.
Even if I never meet a recipient of my efforts, I hope they know their quilt is made of more than fabric and thread.

I quilt with love and THAT is perfect with me.


Cory said...

Amen, sister.

Quilt Nazis have an inflated sense of self righteousness.

Your quilting is perfect however you choose to do it. Quilting should be an enjoyable pastime not a stress inducing chore.

Keep uo the great work! Cory

The Calico Cat said...

YAY! I am anti-quilt Nazi too! So what if that is supposed to be "dark," in my quilt it is only supposed to be "blue" & light blue is blue. THANKYOUVERYMUCH.

The Calico Cat said...

At that LQS, they might be wondering why people order Jelly Roll packs off the internet (without seeing them in person first) at least they do at one of the shops I frequent - maybe because you don't carry them... Buh Bye to that business.

They wondered why people bought X,Y,&Z fabric on the internet too. maybe because you only got 2 of the line & I want more than the safe lights...

Lisa D. said...

JoAnna - that is just WRONG! You are quilting for all the right reasons. Let those Nazis have their stupid rules - it doesn't sound like a fun place to work anyway! :(

jovaliquilts said...

Their loss!

Who will feel comfortable in their store? Are there other liberated quilt shops around?

Floss said...

You didn't want to work there any way, I wouldn't want to. Quilting should be fun, and who cares if you do it wrong, so do most of the rest of use too. Quilt Nazi take all the fun out of it.

They may sell more if they had kits, jelly roles and charm packs. Their lost

dot said...

I always wonder why the antique quilts that people desire aren't the perfect quilts. They seem to be the odd ball quilts, the quilts that people made just for the love of making a quilt. I really don't understand the quilt nazie mentality but then again I will never measure up to their expectations. I love your poem. I quilt for me and all the quilts I have given away are being loved to death.

Tracey in CT said...

Wow, that certainly sounds like a shop worth skipping! After an interview like that, I'd be telling them rather loudly that I wasn't interested in working OR shopping there. And then I'd be telling most everyne else I know, too. These ladies don't seem like they are cut out for customer service!

Paula, the quilter said...

And that thing about square and rectangular. When grandma sits on the sofa with a grandchild on either side, a square quilt is a much better size because it doesn't drag on the floor. I say piffle! to the Quilt Nazis.

Unknown said...

Awww... don't listen to them! Your quilts are beautiful and are perfect the way they are because YOU made it. I quilt for love as well- Quilt it baby, quilt it!

Nicole said...

You go girl! Good for you, you made the right decision. I would have done exactly the same thing in your position!

Unknown said...

How rude of them. Of course you are an award winner, as you say if you quilt with love it is perfect. Don´t let those nazis destroy your love of quilting.

Norma said...

Oh, you have touched a nerve here.......maybe more than one! LOL Not all quilts are made to be works of art. They are meant to keep you warm, feel loved and comfortable. They are a expression of YOU. So if you like color, charm packs or jelly rolls.....hey, its your quilt!

I TIE most of my quilts because I feel if I give them to someone else to quilt, they did half of MY quilt. Believe me, a tied quilt is not even considered a quilt in most circles.

Quilting is what I do for ME and to heck with them.

Love your poem and will print it out and hang it in front of my machine!

Kim said...

Sounds like a horrible shop to work at anyway. Lucky you to have escaped it!

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I'm glad you won't be working for the Quilt Nazis. How dreary that would have been.

Sweet P said...

Quilt nazis - bah humbug! Just who do they think they are? You did the right thing by not working there.

I quilt because I don't know how not to quilt. I enjoy every stitch I make and love every project I make. You should too.

Libby said...

Honestly - what gets into folk? I'll never forget the time I brought a top in progress into my local shop to select a border fabric. The owner looked at my piece and exclaimed, "That's made with last year's fabric!" Huh? Well, now the quilt has graced a bed, the sofa and even covered the floor. No one here cares one whit that the fabric was manufactured *gasp* nearly 8 years ago. Quilt on and enjoy yourself *s*

Jenni said...

Huh! You're better off without that attitude. You wouldn't have enjoyed working there anyway.

Valerie said...

Oh my - I have encountered my share of quilt nazi's! Lol* I agree with the other ladies who said - you really are lucky that you won't have to be subjected to such meanies on a daily basis! Hehehe - and I think your quilts are beautiful!!!

You know - I'm not sure how it is in your neck of the woods, but here in Ohio, quilt shops don't often have a long life span...and with woman like the ones you described running the show, it's a wonder just how long they'll be in business. :) I don't think the majority of quilters in the world are award winnining quilters and even the ones who are mismatch their points sometimes!!! :)

Quilt crazy said...

Quilt nazis are just narrow minded and un-educated as far as I am concerned. Your perspective is perfect! So glad you are on the ring right after me, as we are kindred spirits on this topic. When I teach classes, I give out plastic police badges for everyone to remind them that the quilt police are not allowed to disrupt the class!