Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'm back...and tagged

I am now a Midwesterner! We arrived at our new home on Tuesday and the movers came with our stuff yesterday. The important stuff (quilting and computer supplies) have been unpacked.

Quilt Mommy has made my return to blogging easier by tagging me with a meme:

Five Things to Do Before I Die:
1. Return to NY to live - perhaps retire in the Adirondack mountains. I really miss snow.
2. Drive cross-country. See the gigantic ball of twine (and visit as many quilt shops as possible).
3. Learn a second language.
4. Conquer my fear of heights
5. Finish my UFOs - or at least make progress... :)

Five Things I Can Do:
1. Drive Standard transmission cars (but badly)
2. Roll my tongue
3. Handle snakes
4. Crack my index finger by just bending it
5. Laugh so hard I cry (and cry and cry)

Five Things I Cannot Do . . . Yet:
1. Dive underwater
2. Speak a second language
3. Stand on my head
4. Play a musical instrument
5. Tell the difference between a downy and hairy woodpecker

Five Things That Make a Man Attractive to me:
1 - 5. Being my DH

Five Celebrity Crushes:
1. Daniel Craig
2. Brad Pitt
3. Rob Lowe (from West Wing days)
4. Daniel Craig, again
5. Daniel Craig, once more for good measure

I haven't been able to catch up on everyone's blogs yet, so if you'd like to be "tagged" please copy the meme and add your own answers!


jovaliquilts said...

I am not a midwesterner but have lived in the midwest for the past 25 years! Still wondering how that happened (we came for a year or two at the most). Almost moved to DC a year ago, but in the end we stayed. Hope you enjoy it. What state are you living in?

And I definitely hear you about Daniel Craig. Yes indeed.


Valerie said...

Hehehe - welcome to the midwest! I'm over in Ohio - wine country! :) Hope you enjoy your new home. :) Good answers too btw, we like to take drives to NY every now and again. :)